The sublime "Villa Tiar" named of its original owner, is located in El Biar, It was de-signed by the architect Abderrahmane Bouchama in the 1940s, since 1963 it’s the official residence of the Brazilian ambassador in Algeria.
Composed of two levels, the house is divided into two large wings: one intended for diplomatic reception activities, and the other private.
The first consists of large living rooms on the ground floor, with walls of Zelliges and a finely worked ceiling in stucco. The ground floor is connected to the upper floor by a wide white marble staircase, surmounted by a dome, which allows ventilation and na-tural light during the day and where an imposing gilded bronze chandelier hangs, from traditional style.
The upper floor is occupied by a dining room, which has a table in the center for 18 people, with a metal base and a glass top decorated with arabesques, signed by René Fleury and dating from 1951.
The private wing is intended for the residential use of the Head of the Brazilian Repre-sentation and his family. It has in addition to the bedrooms and the main rooms; guest rooms, a library and private lounges and dining rooms.
On the main facade, slender columns stand out supporting a richly decorated cour-tyard, reminding us of the palaces of the Alhambra. The two wings are connected by a patio with a white marble fountain in the center. The patio is also framed on the garden side with slender columns.
The house is preceded by a large sloping garden, staged on seven decreasing levels. A curved ramp connects the main door to the entrance of the building. On the right side of the house there is also a large swimming pool.
فيلا تيار"(ع)
تقع "فيلا تيار" في الأبيار و هي تحمل اسم مالكها الأصلي. صممها المهندس المعماري عبد الرحمن بوشامة في الأربعينيات من القرن الماضي .في عام 1963 أصبحت مقر الإقامة الرسمية للسفير البرازيلي في الجزائر.
يتألف المنزل من مستويين ، وينقسم إلى جناحين كبيرين: أحدهما مخصص لأنشطة الاستقبال الدبلوماسية والآخر خاص.
مدخل الواجهة الرئيسية يذكرنا بقصور قصر الحمراء. يتصل الجناحان بفناء يتوسطه نافورة من رخام أبيض.
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Source : Ambassade du Brésil en Algérie / Photos : S.Allag